school wide change starts from the top

Our workshops tackle some of the most common classroom challenges with research-backed activities that provide you with the skills and techniques you’ll need to excel throughout the year. Our offered pathways help support your administration and educators with skill-learning opportunities in team leadership classroom techniques.

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empowering student leaders: igniting leadership potential in secondary education

In this workshop, middle and high school educators will discover effective methods for empowering students to tap into their inherent strengths and abilities. Through hands-on activities and reflective exercises, participants will learn how to guide students in exploring their leadership potential, career aspirations, and emotional intelligence.


revitalizeED: building resilient school communities for teachers

Join us for a transformative training session where we'll dive deep into your school's culture and tackle staff burnout head-on. Through practical strategies, we’ll help revitalize interpersonal dynamics, enhance feedback processes, establish healthy boundaries, and ignite a journey of self-discovery.



mastering difficult conversations: strategies for effective communication and understanding

In this dynamic training, we'll equip you with essential regulation skills to tackle even the most charged discussions head-on. Learn practical frameworks to keep conversations on track and cultivate a culture of understanding as our ultimate goal.


thriving through change: empowering teams for resilience and alignment

Join us for an immersive workshop designed to equip your team with the tools needed to navigate change with confidence and solidarity. Through interactive sessions, we'll explore the importance of healthy interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and shared goals in fostering resilience.


 “The burnout session was incredibly helpful for my staff and impactful for our school culture. During this time of year, my staff has typically struggled to cope and manage their workload, relationships, and personal stressors. This session offered concrete tools and techniques that were immediately applicable in the lives of a busy educator. My staff raved about the session and still do.”

Jarell Lee, Kipp Academy School Founding School Leader


We believe the strongest SEL outcomes are directly influenced by the rich relationships students build with their teachers during sustained practice.